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What is BCA's market cap?

At the end of trading on Tuesday (09/05) the company's market cap stood at IDR 443.8 trillion (approx. USD $33.4 billion), replacing cigarette manufacturer HM Sampoerna with its market cap at IDR 440.8 trillion. BCA, part of the Djarum Group, is the second-largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets.

What is BCA investment?

BCA provides investment products in accordance with customer risk preferences to meet customer investment needs. They are the result of collaborations with reputable investment managers with solid performance records. BCA also offers Indonesian Retail Bonds and Retail Sukuk in the primary market, supporting the government’s fund raising program.

How much money does BCA have in its portfolio?

As of December 31, 2017, BCA has a portfolio of Financial Assets in the Available-for- Sale category—mostly Bank Indonesia Certiicates—of Rp 35.6 trillion, an increase compared to the portfolio in the previous year, which amounted to Rp 20.2 trillion.

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